Python plot generator
Here's a tiny code to help you if you want to generate graphs in python : #!/usr/bin/env python # We use pylab ! import pylab # x axis values t = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # y axis values s = [2, 8, 4, 1, 6] pylab.plot(t, s) pylab.xlabel('time (s)') pylab.ylabel('voltage (mV)') pylab.title('Sample title') pylab.grid(True) # export as a png file pylab.savefig('python-plot') Then the picture generated : |
Python tk live plot
Let's start another test with user interface (tk). import time import pylab from Tkinter import * from PIL import Image, ImageTk import random root = Tk() # Consts interface = 0 t = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] v = [0, 50, 5, 10, 60, 75, 15, 22, 35, 45] def export_plot(t, v): print t print v pylab.plot(t, v) pylab.xlabel('time (s)') pylab.ylabel('air quality') pylab.ylim([0,100]) pylab.title('IAQ AIR MONITOR') pylab.grid(True) pylab.savefig('plot') pylab.close() def update_img(): img = ImageTk.PhotoImage('plot.png')) try: if root.img_label.winfo_ismapped(): root.img_label.pack_forget() except: pass root.img_label = Label(root, image=img) root.img_label.img = img root.img_label.pack() root.update() dev = None def get_values(): root.after(1000, get_values) val = random.random() * 100 v.pop(0) v.append(val) export_plot(t, v) update_img() time.sleep(1) get_values() root.mainloop() This is a bit kludgy that's true. You need to write a buffer instead of using an export... Here a kind of output that you can obtain (for real it's live chart not a picture) : |